2019 Competition Results
The 2019 ASABE 1/4 Scale Tractor Student Design Competition featured 24 teams from
different universities across North America. Out of the 24 teams, the University of Saskatchewan Sled Dogs is proud to announce our 2019 competition results.
7th place Overall​
- 4th
place Maneuverability
9th place in Durability​
15th place in Marketing Presentation
- 5
th place in Design Judging
9th place in Tractor Pulls
Highlights of the 2019 Season
Meet the 2019 Sled Dogs Team​
The 2019 Sled Dogs 1/4 Scale Tractor was developed by 20 undergraduate students from the University of Saskatchewan.
The Sled Dogs team primarily consisted of aspiring mechanical and electrical engineers.
For a wider range of expertise, the Sled Dogs team also consisted of students throughout the colleges of agriculture, business as well as other engineering disciplines.​
Highlighted Features of the 2019​ Sled Dogs Tractor
Vertical & horizontal acting front suspension
Electric steering
Two-into-one through exhaust
Hydraulically actuated, electronically controlled transmission
Ruggedized electrical and instrumental system
Data acquisition system with easily visible display​
Ergonomic operator platform
Coil-over-shock seat suspension